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Text File | 1993-07-19 | 28.0 KB | 607 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#185/19-Jul-93
- =====================
- Apple layoffs and Microseeds dropping Rival - where will it end?
- Not with the Newton or the PowerPC, that's for sure, and we
- have more details on those two hot topics. Bill Seitz reports
- on PC Expo, Matt Neuburg comments on censorship on the Internet
- in New Zealand, and we take a long look at how the Internet is
- worming its way into government at the level of elected
- officials.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * APS Technologies -- 800/443-4199 -- 71520.72@compuserve.com
- Makers of hard drives, tape drives, memory, and accessories.
- For APS price lists, email: aps-prices@tidbits.com <-- New!
- Copyright 1990-1993 Adam & Tonya Engst. Details at end of issue.
- Automated info: <info@tidbits.com>. Comments: <ace@tidbits.com>
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/19-Jul-93
- Apple Layoffs
- Centris/Quadra/PowerPC Notes
- MessagePad Trickles In
- Rival Changes Hands
- PC Expo Comments
- Letter from the Antipodes: Censorship on the Internet
- The Internet Goes to Washington
- Reviews/19-Jul-93
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-185.etx; 29K]
- MailBITS/19-Jul-93
- ------------------
- You probably already noticed our redesign in this issue. Like most
- publications, we spent months in consultation with graphic
- designers and information architects in an attempt to create the
- best possible look for TidBITS. Right, sure, in our spare time.
- Actually, only the top and bottom of the issue have changed. We
- felt that the top of the issue was top-heavy, so we moved all the
- administrative details and the multitude of electronic addresses
- to the bottom where you can find them if you need them.
- For those interested in APS price lists, note that I will mark new
- ones at the top of the issue, so if it doesn't change, assume
- that the price list is exactly the same as the week before.
- **DeskWriter owners** who have printers with serial numbers that
- begin with 2936 or lower should get "Free Upgrade Kit No. 02276-
- 60106," a sheet that describes how to acquire the free upgrade kit
- mentioned by James Brigman in last week's article about refilling
- DeskWriter cartridges. James also mentioned that the ink he's
- found to work best for refills is Scheaffer Brand "Skrip" ink,
- which costs about $2 at most office supply warehouses. Hewlett-
- Packard -- 800/538-8787
- **PowerBook Prices Drop** -- Apple lowered even more prices in a
- drive to increase sales and profits after the $188 million loss in
- the company's third quarter. This time all PowerBooks except the
- Duos received the red tags, with suggested retail prices dropping
- 7 to 34 percent. That 34 percent price drop was for the PowerBook
- 160 4/40, which fell from $2,429 to $1,609. If you're in the
- market for a PowerBook, make sure your dealer has instituted the
- new prices before you buy. The $188 million loss sounds bad, but
- we find it interesting to note that Apple's third quarter net
- revenues were $1.862 billion, a 7 percent increase over last
- year's third quarter, and Macintosh unit shipments increased 20
- percent over last year's third quarter. Laying off employees is
- expensive, and that's where the loss came from.
- **RSI Online** -- Rik Ahlberg <rik@world.std.com> writes: Just a
- note to let you folks know that there's a new mailing list for
- those looking for information on repetitive stress injuries
- (including carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, occupational
- overuse syndrome, and cumulative trauma disorders), how to deal
- with them, and what resources are available to people living with
- pain.
- The list is open to all those interested in joining and/or
- supporting a support, referral, and information resource for those
- suffering from repetitive strain injuries. Even if you are outside
- of the Boston metro area, please do not hesitate to join the
- group. To join the discussion, send mail to:
- Boston-RSI-request@world.std.com
- Boston-RSI meets regularly at the Boston Computer Society's main
- office in Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA, beginning in August.
- **BrushStrokes**, or What happened to MacPaint? Claris has
- announced the shipment of BrushStrokes, a $139, 32-bit color,
- painting and image editing package. Two Swedish programmers,
- Christian Holmen and Nicklas Ungman, originally developed
- BrushStrokes for Casady & Greene, from whom Claris acquired
- marketing rights for the Claris Clear Choice label, which
- publishes innovative software from independent developers. Claris
- -- 800/3CLARIS -- 408/727-8227
- Apple Layoffs
- -------------
- Last week Apple laid off 2,100 employees, 1,100 in Santa Clara,
- 500 elsewhere in the U.S., and 500 in other countries. Another 400
- layoffs in other counties are scheduled for the next 12 months.
- The layoffs come as part of a reorganization designed to cut costs
- and make Apple a tighter, more-focussed company, but whatever the
- rationale, it's hard to see so many talented workers, including
- some friends, let go. We at TidBITS wish the best to both those
- leaving Apple and those remaining.
- For those leaving Apple whose talents run toward programming,
- allow us to suggest that an excellent way to create name
- recognition in a competitive job market would be to create high-
- quality shareware. And of course, if you consider the variables
- that make a shareware program a financial success, quality,
- timing, distribution, and a sufficiently good cause, helping an
- out-of-work ex-Apple programmer is distinctly a good cause.
- Centris/Quadra/PowerPC Notes
- ----------------------------
- An alert reader notes in response to our article in TidBITS #182_
- that although the Centris 660av and Quadra 840av, and possibly the
- PowerPCs, will perform voice recognition, record and playback
- CD-quality audio, and work as a v.32bis modem, they most certainly
- will not be able to do all these tasks simultaneously. So forget
- about telling your Mac to interact with communications programs.
- In fact, the only report he had of Casper (voice recognition) on a
- Centris 660av beta machine was not promising; it was apparently
- too slow to be useful. Let's hope that changes with the shipping
- code. And of course, there have been problems with the way the Duo
- and Express Modem work together to replace some of the guts of a
- modem, so emulating a modem may not be a wonderful idea in all
- cases.
- He provided some other interesting details and comments. The
- Centris 660av and Quadra 840av will support 24-bit color with
- sufficient VRAM, just like the Quadra 700, but not the Quadra 800
- or currents models of the Centris.
- In addition, apparently Motorola just announced the low-power
- version of the 68040, so it's likely that we'll see an '040
- PowerBook before the end of the year, and since the low-power
- version of the PowerPC chip won't be out for some time after the
- first 601 chips ship, we're unlikely to see a PowerPC PowerBook
- nearly as soon.
- Jonathan Kolodny <jonathan.kolodny@mrc-apu.cam.ac.uk> writes:
- Anyone on the verge of buying a new hard drive who might be
- concerned about compatibility with the Power PC (either through
- upgrade or purchase) should consider this advice from Paul McGraw
- of APS:
- "Preliminarily, I understand that standard SCSI drives will work
- in a Power PC, though if I were a betting person, I would probably
- bet on the third-high (1" x 3.5") form factor, rather than what is
- referred to as a "half-height" or 1.65" x 3.5" form factor. Many
- large drive capacities are currently available in this form factor
- - some with spectacular performance numbers - and more are being
- announced each day."
- If you don't need high capacity (yet) you might want to wait three
- to five months when more high-performance drives will be
- available. Keep in mind that a slower drive will negate some of
- that speed advantage that tempted you to buy a Power PC in the
- first place.
- MessagePad Trickles In
- ----------------------
- The first MessagePad details are trickling in from Pythaeus. "What
- is the MessagePad," you ask? Why the first of the Newtons from
- Apple, of course, and they're appearing soon, so pay attention.
- The first units will range in price from $800 to $950, and just
- like Barbie will have a bunch of nifty accessories that cost
- between $20 and $250. Accessories include batteries (alkaline and
- rechargeable), battery packs, chargers of various kinds, carrying
- cases (including spiffy leather ones), connection kits for Mac and
- Windows, fax modems, 1 MB and 2 MB storage cards, battery
- boosters, and some cool software packages. Ken is still sold
- separately. Other details for the curious include:
- * Weight: less than one pound,
- * Dimensions: 7.5" x 4.5" x .75"
- * Screen: 3.5" LCD
- * CPU: 20 MHz ARM 610 (a RISC chip)
- * Memory: 4 MB ROM, and 640K RAM (hmm, I think I've seen that last
- number somewhere before...)
- * Expansion: One PCMCIA slot
- * Connectivity: Infrared link, and one RS-422 port
- * Pens: Two, one black, one red (just kidding about the colors)
- For automated Newton propaganda, call 800-7-NEWTON.
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- Rival Changes Hands
- -------------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder, News Editor -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- Technical Support Coordinator, BAKA Computers
- The authors of the Rival anti-virus utility for Macintosh
- announced last week that Microseeds, Inc. is no longer supporting
- the software. The authors, Frederic Miserey and Jean-Michel
- Decombe, stressed that a new structure is being formed to provide
- distribution and support, and in the meantime, support is still
- available.
- They ask that all registered users provide them with contact info
- (see below). Users who provide an electronic address will receive
- the latest version of Rival (1.2.4) and all vaccines immediately,
- and will be added to a mailing list to receive updates and
- vaccines to handle new viruses, as they appear. (Users whose email
- gateways won't support large files should so indicate when
- contacting the authors.) Bug reports and requests for technical
- support are also welcomed via the addresses below.
- Fred and JMD
- 1705 Cowper Street
- Palo Alto, CA 94301
- miserey@laguna.ics.uci.edu
- testnone@applelink.apple.com
- rival@aol.com
- 73112.2144@compuserve.com
- The authors ask that users send a note with name and company name,
- postal and electronic mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers,
- Rival serial number and license specifics (single or multiple user
- vs. site license), and if possible, the version of Rival and
- vaccines already on hand.
- Information from:
- Frederic Miserey -- miserey@laguna.ics.uci.edu
- PC Expo Comments
- ----------------
- by Bill Seitz -- seitz@mindvox.phantom.com
- I attended PC-Expo in New York earlier this month on its first
- morning, since I wanted to hear Chairman Bill's oratory. Am I the
- only one who finds it embarrassing that kick-off presentations for
- major industry conventions are used for mere PR pimping? No grand
- visions, just "here's why my company is better than everyone
- else's company." Gates is hardly unique in this regard - it's a
- tedious invariant. Still, Bill did (inadvertently) make some
- interesting comments. To wit:
- * Applications push the operating system to improve. This has
- certainly been the Microsoft synergy game, and is a clear
- admission that there is serious interaction between the two sides
- of the Microsoft empire. It's also just one approach. Consider
- Apple's strategy that the OS pushes the hardware; this justifies
- Apple's unwillingness to license the MacOS to other hardware
- platforms, since it would dilute their control over hardware,
- losing the control over the design and evolution process. It also
- points out how helpful Claris could be to Apple if Claris were a
- more effective organization. Is Claris held back for fear of
- harming the third party developers Apple relies on, or is there
- another explanation for Claris's problems? Some Claris products
- are pretty good, but nothing pushes the envelope other than
- ClarisWorks.
- * Operating systems are moving from being application-centric to
- document-centric to eventually object-centric (where an object is
- seen as simply part of a document that can be consistently
- manipulated by a toolset). This is where everyone is going. It's
- just a question of who gets there quickly enough to build
- momentum, and whether the advantages of such a system can be sold
- to the public as added value (witness the oft-repeated banality
- about how "Apple has less justification for their high prices now
- that Windows makes Intel machines almost like Macs"). By the way,
- this comment was in the context of Bill's OLE 2.0 demo, which will
- supposedly be out this year, and which Microsoft will push across
- platforms.
- * Applications must internally support workgroup coordination. By
- this Bill meant they must support the delegation of updating
- pieces of a given document. This sounds to me like something that
- should be part of the object-centric OS.
- * Cross-application, and maybe cross-platform scripting languages
- will become increasingly important, as OS objects can be hooked
- together with greater ease. This may not be called application
- development, but at least can be considered application
- customization, and must be viable at least for power users. Visual
- Basic will be coming to the Mac in all Microsoft applications next
- year. [And will compete with AppleScript, Frontier, and a host of
- other scripting languages that are rumored to arrive soon, all
- compliant with Apple's Open Scripting Architecture. -Adam]
- * Applications must provide intelligent assistance (agents,
- wizards) to help users with complex tasks.
- Two other Microsoft notes of interest. First, Access (their
- Windows database) was mentioned only once in the entire
- presentation. Microsoft used Excel for a lot of user applications
- that seemed to me more natural as database applications. Second,
- when one of Bill's lieutenants, in demoing Visual Basic, asked how
- many people use Visual Basic, he got more blank looks than cheers.
- This may be a giant reality check for user programming, despite
- the kudos it has received in the PC trade press.
- The busiest booths seemed to be WordPerfect with their new DOS
- version coming out (ooh, the PC world is so exciting!), Corel, and
- Apple (for its Newton demo area). Prize for emptiest big booth
- goes to Claris.
- Multimedia was one of the Expo's running themes and had its own
- area (granted, it was the dungeon room). This theme seemed driven
- largely by New Media magazine, which had sponsored the InMedia
- awards for best interactive products. There were a number of
- machines set up with vendors like Newsweek Interactive and
- Nautilus. Multimedia still looks like an exciting area, but one
- with serious pitfalls. Newsweek, for instance, provided still
- photos and videos for the two stories specifically created for
- each issue, but only gives you the text of articles for the paper
- edition's back issues on the disk, and all because they haven't
- bought the electronic rights to the photos they print!
- Another theme was clearly the PDA ruckus, what with Casio's
- Zoomer, Apple's Newton, Sharp's Wizard/Newton, and AT&T's EO. They
- all try to depend on handwriting recognition, but I was
- unimpressed by the accuracy of any of the systems; they all added
- support of an onscreen keyboard as a backup. All these booths
- interested passersby (especially Apple's), but that doesn't mean
- that a huge yawn won't follow the product introductions (or more
- likely, loud gasps as people see the price tags). I see the Mac
- market as being the most open to this, as we are already the most
- involved in open communications systems (email, file sharing,
- etc.). Given their size, the units will be the most expensive
- DayTimers in existence if they can't easily tie into desktop
- systems. This requires not only hardware and OS support for moving
- info, but application support for import, export, and
- synchronization of data.
- Macintosh LC 520
- Along with a PowerPC beta in the skin of a Centris 610, Apple
- showed the new Macintosh LC 520 at PC Expo. Thanks to
- <martind@acf4.nyu.edu> for this information. The LC 520
- (ironically using the same number as the old Atari 520 ST) is
- essentially an LC III with two internal front mounted speakers, an
- internal AppleCD 300i and an integral 14-inch color monitor (640 x
- 480 in 16-bit color). It looks like a Color Classic on steroids.
- One interesting feature is that this is an Energy Star computer,
- so its power consumption is reduced up to 50 percent. Don't get
- too enthused about buying one yet, though, since they're aimed at
- the education market last I heard.
- Letter from the Antipodes: Censorship on the Internet
- -----------------------------------------------------
- by Matt Neuburg -- clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
- About a week ago, system administrators at the Computer Center at
- the University of Canterbury, in Christchurch, New Zealand,
- removed from the list of available Usenet newsgroups all those
- beginning with "alt.sex", and perhaps others believed to contain
- pornographic material. Since this computer is the distribution
- point for Usenet news for the entire South Island, these
- newsgroups are no longer available to users in that half of the
- country. (If they have a friend in the North Island, though, I
- presume there's nothing to stop the sending of an email message
- containing extracts from these newsgroups, which are still
- available there.)
- This move made the media news, but did not raise the automatic hue
- and cry over "repression of free speech" that it might have in the
- United States. New Zealand has no written constitution at all, let
- alone one where the notion of free speech has been enshrined for
- two centuries; the concept of freedom of speech and other notions
- familiar to Americans were only guaranteed in law three years ago,
- and even then in an ordinary statute not considered to have
- ascendancy over other statutes. In this case, the system
- administrators were, they said, simply bringing themselves into
- compliance with a law against the distribution of pornography.
- My own view of these events is unimportant and probably
- inaccurate. As an American, just two years a stranger in this
- strange land, I don't know much except a lot happens here that I
- don't understand. Personally, I had never noticed these newsgroups
- (honest!), and despite my knee-jerk '60s liberalism, tend to
- applaud a system which can at least try to do something about
- pornography, unlike the U.S. which, in one view at least, becomes
- enmired in its own rhetoric while things get worse. But I rather
- think that the lesson is clear. The Internet feels like a free
- unimpeded flow of information, but in fact its packets must be
- relayed by nodes, where anything can happen, and there are no
- envelopes to steam open. Neither the University of Canterbury nor,
- as far as I know, anyone else, has plans to check my email to see
- if it contains words like "sex" or "communist." But that, as this
- incident seems to show, is a contingent fact, not a law of the
- universe. Let's stay awake: there are going to be big issues to be
- decided one of these days.
- The Internet Goes to Washington
- -------------------------------
- As the Internet grows and brings more people online, those of us
- online become curious about who is available on the Internet.
- Services for finding specific people have never impressed me, so
- public announcements and word of mouth are still the best way to
- get in touch with someone famous who has appeared on the nets.
- Luckily this has been happening a lot recently.
- Of course, the most publicized Internet arrival is that of the
- President and Vice President of the United States, Bill Clinton
- and Al Gore. To increase communication with the White House, the
- Clinton administration has set up an Internet site,
- whitehouse.gov, along with addresses for both Clinton and Gore
- (listed below).
- Now, it's a good bet that neither of them reads the email sent to
- those accounts. I have trouble keeping up with the my own email,
- and that's only in the range of 30 to 70 messages a day. When you
- consider the hundreds if not thousands of messages that must pour
- in every day, I'd rather not have the leaders of the country
- spending their time reading email, and heaven forbid, becoming
- Usenet junkies or spending hours trying to create a saxophone with
- ASCII graphics.
- For the moment, the staff will merely track how many messages are
- received, along with the subjects of the messages. Receipts will
- be sent, but they won't be tailored to your specific message for
- the time being. The White House staff have made that a goal for
- the end of the year, and rumor has it that they have commissioned
- MIT to create software with a sufficient level of artificial
- intelligence that it can reply to the incoming messages. Could be
- interesting.
- Bill Clinton -- president@whitehouse.gov
- Al Gore -- vice.president@whitehouse.gov
- House of Representatives
- In an effort not to be shown up, the House of Representatives (the
- second and larger body of the bicameral American Congress, for
- readers unfamiliar with the U.S. governmental system) announced a
- pilot program to provide email access to a small number of the
- representatives. Representatives taking part in the pilot program
- include (followed by their state abbreviation and district): Jay
- Dickey (AR-07), Sam Gejdenson (CT-02), Newt Gingrich (GA-06),
- George Miller (CA-07), Charlie Rose (NC-07), Fortney Pete Stark
- (CA-13), and Melvin Watt (NC-12). Gee, I wonder why Jesse Helms
- isn't included.
- Unfortunately, the House program suffers from the close-mindedness
- that comes from believing arbitrary boundaries have inherent
- meaning, especially in terms of the political patchwork method of
- defining districts these days. For the moment, if you wish to
- communicate with your representative via the Internet, you must
- first send a snail mail postcard to your representative's office,
- including on it your Internet email address along with your name
- and snail mail address. The press release says, "This process will
- allow Members to identify an electronic mail user as his or her
- constituent." This bothers me, if only because I strongly suspect
- that special interest lobbying groups can gain access to
- representatives whether or not they happen to be from the proper
- district in the proper state. The point of the Internet is not to
- restrict the flow of communication.
- Once they've figured out how the pilot program works, they plan to
- make any necessary modifications and then open it up to other
- members of the House of Representatives who wish to participate.
- All in all, it feels half-hearted. I could be wrong, and I hope I
- am, but the entire program smells of something dreamed up by
- people who don't have a clue what the Internet is all about.
- To receive more information on this program, send email to:
- congress@hr.house.gov
- (Which, by the way, is a strange use of the domain addressing
- system. Something like info@house.congress.gov would make more
- sense in a meaningful hierarchical domain system.)
- You can send comments about the service to:
- comments@hr.house.gov
- Online Congressional Hearing
- More promising than the pilot program is the announcement of the
- first Congressional Hearing to be held over a computer network.
- Appropriately enough, the hearing is on "The Role of Government in
- Cyberspace" and will physically take place on 26-Jul-93 in the
- Grand Ballroom of the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The
- hearing and an open house later that day are open to the public,
- but more interestingly, the hearing is open to the Internet at
- large.
- The Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance will use 30
- SPARCstations in the hearing room to allow everyone present to use
- email, Gopher, the WAIS, and the World Wide Web for research into
- the topics at hand. I hope everything is up and working that day!
- Some witnesses will testify remotely, sending audio and video over
- the Internet.
- This is a chance to get your ideas into the public record, since
- an email address has been established for anyone on the Internet
- to use before and during the hearing. If you have ideas or
- comments on the role of government in the Information Age, send
- them to the address below. Topics you might address include:
- * Should government make public data available for free on the
- Internet?
- * Who should pay to build and maintain the Internet?
- * How should the Internet be used in the daily workings of the
- government?
- * How would you use the Internet to communicate with the
- government?
- * Should the FBI, CIA, and NSA keep their prying fingers away from
- the Internet? (OK, so that 's begging the question.)
- * And I'm sure you can think of plenty of other related topics.
- The important thing to realize is that we of the Internet
- community have to let the U.S. Congress know that millions of us
- care about the Internet. It's not enough to complain every time
- some new method of taxing modem users or selling off the Internet
- comes around. For many of us, the Internet is an integral part of
- our lives and livelihoods, and we must convey that sense of
- importance.
- I'll admit my bias. I want the Internet to be recognized as a
- community in its own right, on an equal footing with all the
- communities made up by arbitrary geographical or political
- boundaries. Perhaps for the first time in the history of the
- world, people have come together in a community based on mutual
- intellectual need without concern for race, sex, religion, or
- location (for the moment we'll conveniently ignore the wealth, but
- more and more projects such as the Seattle Public Library's public
- terminals are making the Internet available to those who can't
- afford computers). I'll argue that just as physical communities of
- people are considered worth preserving, protecting, maintaining,
- and funding, so is the virtual community of the Internet.
- Send any comments, suggestions, and opinions (no flames, please,
- remember that we're trying to paint a positive picture of the
- Internet) to:
- congress@town.hall.org
- I gather that you won't necessarily get a response from this
- address, but another address has been set up where you can
- communicate with a human about the hearing. To talk to that person
- about the hearing, send email to:
- hearing-info@town.hall.org
- And to give credit where credit is due, support for this event
- comes from Sun Microsystems, O'Reilly & Associates, UUNET
- Technologies, ARPA, BBN Communications, the National Press Club,
- Xerox PARC, and many others. And hey, if anyone goes to this event
- and wants to write an article on what happens, let me know.
- Information from:
- U.S. Government propaganda
- Reviews/19-Jul-93
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 12-Jul-93, Vol. 7, #28
- AOCE -- pg. 44
- Acrobat Exchange 1.0 -- pg. 54
- PowerBook 180c -- pg. 54
- 3-D Type Programs -- pg. 60
- Typestry 1.1
- StrataType 3d 2.0
- $$
- Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if
- full credit is given. Others please contact us. We don't guarantee
- accuracy of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and
- company names may be registered trademarks of their companies.
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- -----------------------------------------------------------------